Re. Happy Eid
Dear all, this letter has been written to greet you with the happiness of Eid and all the felicitation it brings. Eid is one of the most important and most awaited events for the Muslims and we, [THE COMPANY], congratulate all the Muslims on a very happy Eid. The event of Eid is celebrated with full zeal and zest, and we want you to express the same zeal and zest this Eid as we are planning to have a dinner together on [DATE].
We are also pleased to announce the Eid holidays from [DATE] to [DATE]. The office will be closed from [DATE] and will be reopened on [DATE]. From [DATE], office timings shall be [XX: XX] to [XX: XX].
We expect you to return to the office completely refreshed and more productive. Celebrations and events are meant to make us happy and relax. They are here to make us feel relieved and get our life reset and refreshed. So, enjoy this Eid and refresh yourself to get back to the work in a better and more productive way.
We wish all of you all the best in your future endeavors to achieve higher milestones and make us proud. Thank you for being part of [NAME THE COMPANY]. We are a team and a family and, thus, by family we mean the union our staff shows. We want you all to stay connected and achieve betterments for yourselves and the people around you.
Have a very happy Eid.

Re. Greeting Eid to All of Our Staff Members
Dear all,
This letter, collectively, aims to greet all of you very happy Eid. The letter greets Eid happiness and blessings. We wish you a very happy Eid that brings joy, health, prosperity, and many blessings to yours. Eid is meant to bring joy and celebrate the completion of the month of Ramadan. We wish you all the best of luck on this Eid and hope for a better future together.
We are planning to organize a dinner for the office staff. This will provide us a chance to sit together and have casual conversations and fun. Round the year, everyone is always steeped in office work and projects. These events provide us a way to know each other personally and develop our professional relationships.
Moreover, the felicitating events help us to reset our routines and relax our brains that have become hectic with work. On this Eid, promise yourself to relax during these holidays and make full use of leisure by visiting your families, relatives, and friends.
We will send you further details for Eid dinner with office staff soon through SMS. Please stay updated and join the dinner to have lots of fun and celebrate Eid with your colleagues. We also take this moment to appreciate your sheer dedication, devotion, and hard work at work. We are one of the top companies because of the hard work and loyalty you have put in. Thank you.
Best Regards
[Company Name]